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Unity House, Ithaca, Individual Support Services (ISS)
15 Catherwood Road (Off Triphammer Road)
Ithaca, NY 14850
Ithaca, NY 14850
Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Area Served:
(607) 273-6296
Program Director
The ISS program helps participants who choose to reside in their own homes or with their families. Services include:
- protective oversight
- case management
- emergency support
- financial assistance
- direct care staffing
- self-advocacy training
Unity House, Ithaca, Residential Services
15 Catherwood Road (Off Triphammer Road)
Ithaca, NY 14850
Ithaca, NY 14850
Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm; Programs: 24 hours/ 7 days a week
Area Served:
(607) 273-6296
Program Director
The program maintains seven individualized residential and supportive apartment alternatives for individuals with developmental disabilities:
- five facilities house from four to six individuals in a family-style environment, comparable a small to medium family unit
- one alternative houses eleven individuals, with one or two individuals per bedroom, in a family-style environment comparable to living in a large family
- one alternative is an agency-owned apartment building in Dryden with one or two individuals per apartment which is equipped with kitchen and bathroom
VA Community Outpatient Clinic of Cortland
1129 Commons Ave.
Cortland, NY 13045
Cortland, NY 13045
M - F 8 am - 4:30 pm
Area Served:
(607) 756 7240
The VA Community Outpatient Clinic offers Primary Care services for Veterans in Cortland County and surrounding area. Services offered include: * Personal Care: A health care team provides primary care services at the clinic as well as routine diagnostic procedures and dietary services. Patients with specialized medical needs are treated at the VA Healthcare Network Upstate New York at Syracuse. * Laboratory: Blood drawing and analysis services available. * Prescriptions: Routine prescriptions processed through the mail. Emergency medicines provided. * Radiology: Chest, abdominal and extremity x-rays available on site. * Behavioral Health Care services are available. * Handicapped Accessible free parking on premises.
VA Community Outpatient Clinic of Ithaca
10 Arrowwood Drive
in Convenient Care Center Bldg
Ithaca, NY 14850
in Convenient Care Center Bldg
Ithaca, NY 14850
M-F, 8 am - 4:30 pm
Area Served:
(607) 252-3738
The VA Community Outpatient Clinic offers Primary Care services for Veterans in Tompkins County and surrounding area. Services offered include: * Personal Care: A health care team provides primary care services at the clinic as well as routine diagnostic procedures and dietary services. Patients with specialized medical needs are treated at the VA Healthcare Network Upstate New York at Syracuse. * Laboratory: Blood drawing and analysis services available. * Prescriptions: Routine prescriptions processed through the mail. Emergency medicines provided. * Radiology: Chest, abdominal and extremity x-rays available on site. * Behavioral Health evaluations are available. Free parking available on premises, Handicapped Accessible.
Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of, Survivor Benefits Guide
Survivor Benefits Guide is a web-based resource, which is dedicated to the surviving spouses and dependents of military personnel who died while in active military service and to the survivors of veterans who died after active service. It provides quality information and assistance to family members suffering the loss of their husbands and wives, sons and daughters, and mothers and fathers; additional information specific to death in service issues; and information from other federal agencies and organizations that offer related benefits and services to survivors and dependents.
Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of, VA Caregiver Support
800 Irving Avenue
Syracuse VA Medical Center
Syracuse, NY 13210
Syracuse VA Medical Center
Syracuse, NY 13210
National Caregiver Support: Monday-Friday 8 am-11 pm; Saturday 10:30 am-6 pm
VA Caregiver Services and In-Home Care includes these programs:
For information and referrals about any of these programs, contact a VA social worker, case manager or caregiver support coordinator at the nearest VA Medical Center. Veterans' caregivers should contact Social Work at the nearest VA Medical Center for assistance on resources to support the caregiver and veteran at home.
- Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) Centers provide a safe environment with constant supervision for a veteran to participate in activities and socialize while caregivers get some time for themselves. Professionals help the Veteran accomplish tasks and participate in rehabilitation during the day, generally Monday through Friday, normal business hours.
- Home-Based Primary Care delivers routine health care services to a veteran's home, including primary care, nursing, medication management, nutrition, physical rehabilitation, mental health, social work and referrals to VA community services. This program eliminates the need to bring a veteran with medical issues that make travel difficult to and from a medical center for routine medical appointments.
- Skilled Home Care is VA-purchased care provided in the veteran's home, including nursing services and physical, occupational or speech therapies. The Veteran must be home-bound (has difficulty traveling to and from appointments) to receive these services.
- Homemaker and Home Health Aide Services assist veterans with personal care needs, such as eating and bathing, which can be stressful and time consuming for caregivers. When arranged with the local VA Medical Center, the home health aide comes to the home on a regular schedule to allow the caregiver time for themselves or to accomplish other household tasks.
- Home Telehealth extends care management and access to a care coordinator through technology in one's home, usually offered if the veteran lives far from a VA Medical Center. Services may include education and training or on-line and telephone support groups.
- Respite Care provides the caregiver with relief from daily routines and care responsibilities, enabling them to maintain their own personal needs. Every Veteran whose condition requires a caregiver is eligible for up to 30 days per year of respite care. It is offered in a variety of settings including at the home or temporary placement in a VA Community Living Center, VA-contracted Community Residential Care Facility or adult day health care facility. Respite care may be provided in response to a caregiver's unexpected hospitalization, scheduled vacation or family emergency.
- Home Hospice Care provides in-home comfort and supportive services for veteran and caregiver during advanced stages of a terminal disease. An interdisciplinary team of health care providers and volunteers from a local community hospice agency provides services, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Bereavement care for caregivers and other immediate family members is also available.
For information and referrals about any of these programs, contact a VA social worker, case manager or caregiver support coordinator at the nearest VA Medical Center. Veterans' caregivers should contact Social Work at the nearest VA Medical Center for assistance on resources to support the caregiver and veteran at home.
Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of; Suicide Hotline
AKA (Also Known As):
Suicide Hotline
The Veterans Affairs Suicide Hotline provides emergency mental health services to veterans. Though primarily for veterans, immediate family members may also use the hotline for their own mental health crisis. In addition to the call line, there is now a chatline for those that wish to remain anonymous.
Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of; Suicide Hotline
The Veterans Affairs Suicide Hotline provides emergency mental health services to veterans. Though primarily for veterans, immediate family members may also use the hotline for their own mental health crisis. In addition to the call line, there is now a chatline for those that wish to remain anonymous.
Veterans Affairs, U.S. Dept. of, Homeless
Buffalo Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office
130 South Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14202
130 South Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14202
VA is committed to ending Veteran homelessness by the end of 2015.. The VA's programs provide individualized, comprehensive care to Veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
The website has information about for Veterans and to help Veterans who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless. These programs include Health Care, Mental Health Housing Assistance and Employment/Job Training.
Veterans Affairs, U.S. Dept. of, VA Caregiver Support
800 Irving Avenue
Syracuse VA Medical Center
Syracuse, NY 13210
Syracuse VA Medical Center
Syracuse, NY 13210
National Caregiver Support: Monday-Friday 8 am-11 pm; Saturday 10:30 am-6 pm
VA Caregiver Services and In-Home Care includes these programs:
For information and referrals for any of these programs, contact a VA social worker, case manager or caregiver support coordinator at the nearest VA Medical Center. Veterans' caregivers should contact Social Work at the nearest VA Medical Center for resources to support the caregiver and veteran at home.
- Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) Centers provide a safe, supervised environment for veterans to participate in activities and socialize. Professionals help veterans participate in rehabilitation during the day.
- Home-Based Primary Care delivers primary care, nursing, medication management, nutrition, physical rehabilitation, mental health, social work and referrals to VA community services to a veteran's home. This eliminates the need to tranport a veteran whose medical issues make travel to and from a medical center for routine medical appointments difficult.
- Skilled Home Care is VA-purchased care, such as nursing services and physical, occupational or speech therapies provided in the veteran's home, when travel and disability make traveling to and from appointments difficult.
- Homemaker and Home Health Aide Services assist veterans with personal care needs, such as eating and bathing on a regular schedule when arranged with the local VA Medical Center.
- Home Telehealth extends care management and access to a care coordinator through technology in one's home, if the veteran lives far from a VA Medical Center. Services may include education and training or on-line and telephone support groups.
- Respite Care provides the caregiver with periodic relief from daily routines and care responsibilities. Every veteran requiring a caregiver is eligible for up to 30 days per year of respite care, in a variety of settings such as in the home or temporary placement in a VA Community Living Center, VA-contracted Community Residential Care Facility or adult day health care facility.
- Home Hospice Care provides in-home comfort and supportive services for veterans and caregiver during advanced stages of a terminal disease. Bereavement care for caregivers and other immediate family members is also available.
For information and referrals for any of these programs, contact a VA social worker, case manager or caregiver support coordinator at the nearest VA Medical Center. Veterans' caregivers should contact Social Work at the nearest VA Medical Center for resources to support the caregiver and veteran at home.
Veterans Affairs, U.S. Dept. of; Suicide Hotline
AKA (Also Known As):
Suicide Hotline
The Veterans Affairs Suicide Hotline provides emergency mental health services to veterans. Though primarily for veterans, immediate family members may also use the hotline for their own mental health crises. There is also a chatline for those who wish to remain anonymous.
Veterans Crisis Line
Emergency services, Every day, 24 hours
The Veterans Crisis Line connects veterans in crisis, their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through its confidential toll-free hotline, online chat or text.
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Cortland Post: 5 PM, 1st Thursday
Area Served:
Quartermaster, Cortland Post 2354
The VFW was instrumental in establishing the Veterans Administration, creating a GI bill for the 20th century, the development of the national cemetery system. It also fought for compensation for Vietnam vets exposed to Agent Orange and for veterans diagnosed with Gulf War Syndrome.
VA claims The VFW will assist veterans file for disability benefits
VetJobs - a database of job opportunities that are geared toward active military, veterans, retirees, and their families. Visit The phone number is 1-877-Vet-Jobs
Unmet Needs assists active military and their families with basic life needs such as: mortgage and rent, home and auto repairs, insurance, utilities, food and clothing. The financial assistance is in the form of up to $2,500 in grants that do not need to be repaid. All grants are paid directly to the "creditor" (such as the electric company), and not to the individual. Each case is reviewed individually and acceptance determined by a committee. The Service Member or Veteran must have been Honorably Discharged from the military within the past 36 months or have been active duty within the past 36 months prior to applying. The applicant must be the service member or eligible dependent. Eligible service members can download and complete a grant application from the website.
Scholarship Opportunities are available for patriotic young Americans who aspire for higher educational opportunities.
VFW National Home for Children
AKA (Also Known As):
Veterans of Foreign Wars National Home for Children
3573 South Waverly Road
Eaton Rapids, MI 48827
Eaton Rapids, MI 48827
(517) 663-3727
Program Director
VFW National Home for Children is a private, non-profit, licensed residential child care agency providing long and short term residency to children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of VFW and Ladies Auxiliary members. Eligibility is restricted to families of current, paid-up VFW and Ladies Auxiliary members (in good standing) whose parents are deceased, disabled, or need assistance providing care. Services are also available for children of active-duty military service personnel, but only children of single-parent families are eligible.
Among the programs offered are:
- Residential Program: Children are offered educational support, recreation opportunities, 24-hour adult supervision, individual counseling as needed and medical and dental services.
- Single Parent Family Program: provides services for single parents and their children to increase the single parent's self-confidence in their ability to be independent and self-supportive.
- Military Family Program: provides supportive services to members of the active-duty military, National Guard and Reserves during a period of deployment. If the family plan falls through, National Home for Children can provide a temporary safe, secure and loving home to children or spouses with children during deployment on its village like campus of homes.
- Veteran Family Program: Serves children when the veteran is a member of the VFW, is in receipt of VA service connected disability compensation and is in pursuit of an approved VA Vocational Rehabilitation Program. The program is designed to supplement VA Vocational Rehabilitation.
Victim Witness - Domestic Violence Program
Area Served:
The Seneca County Victim Witness-Domestic Violence Program has a dual purpose. We provide services to both domestic violence and crime victims. Our philosophy is to work with each individual and determine what services would be most helpful to them. There is no fee for our services. It is the intent of this program to empower those whom we serve, so that they can begin to take charge of their lives.
Services Offered Are:
Services Offered Are:
- Advocacy in both the Family Court and the Criminal Court Systems
- Court Accompaniment
- 24 hour Hotline for Domestic Violence Victims
- Women’s Domestic Violence Support Group
- Crime Victim Board Applications
- Assistance in completing Family Court Petitions, DHS applications etc.
- Education regarding domestic violence
- Information/referrals regarding other county resources
- Emergency Services including shelter arrangements
- Safe Phones and Link for Life Units
- A safe meeting place for victims of Domestic Violence